S'ret Moram

S'ret joined the Lucky Raven team in 2023 to help accelerate sprite asset finalization, converting Allie's sketches for enemy characters into engine-ready colored sprites. Having a second artist on the team gives Allie some breathing room to work on other assets, and S'ret quickly adapted to the art style and tools to fit right in on the art team!
Having studied Gaming and Animation at Oklahoma Christian University, S'ret has interned at Red Level Games making art for dragon accessories and participated in game jams around the same time. She has a diverse skillset ideal for game development, with 2D experience using PainttoolSAI, Procreate, and Aseprite, 3D talents with Zbrush and Nomad to 'sketch' models, and creates animations of her painted characters using Spine. S'ret uses both her iPad and PC in her diverse art pipeline.
Beyond Lucky Raven, S'ret hopes to join gamedev teams as part of the art pipeline, particularly as a 3D character artist developing finalized designs based on given concept art--but any 2D or 3D art positions work! Her experience with so many different 2D/3D tools and art makes her a versatile and adaptable addition to any art team!
An avid Destiny fan, S'ret's Titan is constantly saving Juno's Warlock from perilous situations and certain doom in Destiny 2. She's also a big fan of games like Borderlands, Baldur's Gate, and No Man's Sky, admiring the beauty of the character design and the worlds she finds herself in. If the game lets her be a Drow or a Golden Dragon, she's picking it. S'ret has a soft spot for anthropomorphised objects in games.